Hello all! I just recently moved this website to a new hosting company. (As of today, in fact.) So far, things seem to be working okay, but I haven’t tested everything yet. If something doesn’t work for you like you expect it, feel free to send me a note via the Contact page. I just…
It was 20 years ago this week when… …I almost died from pneumonia. Yep, that’s right! Many of you who knew me back that far may remember the event, but for those of you who don’t, here is the quick version of the story: I came down with a cold, which after about 10 days,…
Yep, that’s right. If you’ve been waiting for the Project to be available in the digital marketplace, well, wait no further. You can get it on iTunes, as well as CDBaby and Amazon. Here are all the wonderful links. Of course, there are still a very small number of CDs left in stock until we order…
Here’s the final promo video for The Noël Project. This one features short clips from all the songs on the Project. Enjoy!
Yep, that’s right folks!! We are now taking pre-orders for “The Noël Project”. The official release date was moved back to November 20th after we made the decision to get full-replication quality CD’s manufactured instead of duplication of high-quality CD-R’s. Replicated CDs are more durable than their duplicated counterparts and will play in all CD…
Here’s another promo video for The Noël Project. This one features us working on a little ditty called “Jingle This”, a fun retro-Motown/hip-hop groove with the refrain from “Angels We Have Heard On High” whistled by a small cadre of angelic fans. Please share with your friends. Everybody wants more holiday music.
We are quite happy to announce that the first promotional video is out for Kelly’s upcoming holiday release “The Noël Project”. Take a look and share, share, share with your friends. Slated for a November 15 release date, we will start taking pre-orders in mid-October. Enjoy!
Work on The Noël Project, the upcoming holiday album, is coming along nicely. Please enjoy a rough mix of Kelly’s adaptation of Bach’s “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring”.
Have a listen to the first taste of my upcoming Christmas record, codenamed “Project Noël”. Yes, it may be the end of July, but I’m visualizing mistletoe and sugar plum fairies.
Did I actually say “Christmas in June”? Why yes I did! While the rest of the world doesn’t have to think much about Christmas until a few months from now, Christmas is all I can think about right now. That’s because… This year, I am coming out with a holiday-themed release–yep, that’s right!–just in time for the holidays. Hooray!! The release…
I am proud to announce the new home for my website! Come in look around, and… suddenly a song from one of my favorite comedies comes to mind. Do I dare tell you the name of the movie?
Last evening, I had the pleasure of seeing the documentary film “20 Feet From Stardom” at the SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) cinema. It shines a spotlight on the untold true story of the backup singers behind some of the greatest musical legends of the past sixty years. In addition to telling the story of…
If you are a music artist and are considering moving your website away from a turn-key service (like Host Baby or Bandzoogle) to another provider, Wordpress provides an almost unlimited number of options. I am currently right in the middle of such a process, and let me tell ya! It is definitely not something to enter into lightly.